Despite the fact that it has always been a dream of mine, I have never been part of a book club. This year, in the interest of being a little bolder in pursuing some of those dreams, I have decided to simply start my own.
It's strange, putting yourself out there. I mean, it's just a book club. But still there are all those thoughts about what if nobody comes, and what if I don't feel like cleaning my house that day, or what if I go to all the trouble for just my best friend and me, when the two of us can literally sit around in sweats and drink water and have a good time? But I'm going for it. I'm putting myself out there.
So I posted something about a book club on Facebook. And I got a couple of responses. And I think I'm going to have to be flexible. What I originally envisioned was a group of 6 or 8 women who get together month after month and drink wine and read books and really get to know each other. What I think is more likely is the possibility of a rotating group of women who sometimes come to Book Club and sometimes don't. They sometimes read the book and sometimes they don't. Occasionally, they come just for the wine. And this is hard for me...I am a planner and am not great at "winging it". But I'm stepping outside my comfort zone and I'm going with it. We'll see how it goes. It may never actually happen. But I've announced my first book, and I'm hoping for the best. I'll let you know!
I really really wanted to be a part of this, but just can't right now because of the baby and Andy's schedule. BOO! :(