
Sunday, March 24, 2013

On Picking Up

A couple of days ago I called my friend A.  I had heard that she was interested in joining my Book Club so I gave her a call, even though I hadn't seen her or talked to her in, oh, maybe a year or so.  But A. is one of those friends that you pick up with wherever you left off.  We were laughing and catching up and it was like we had just talked yesterday.  We laughed about our houses being a mess and our kids being obnoxious and sassy.  We remembered moments we had been together before and how great it was.  We picked up right where we left off and it was like we were the best of friends again.  I love that.

A. and I are in different seasons of life.  She has four kids aged eight and under, while I have two teenagers and an almost-ten year old.  She's still doing diapers and finger foods while I'm back to working part-time and thinking about high-school graduation. Things are different for us, and as a result it's not quite natural for us to hang out together on a regular basis. 

And yet...we've vowed to talk once in a while.  We've determined to call or get together for lunch every so often, because someday....when her kids are all in school and life is a little less, you know, Mom-ish....we will get together often.  We will be close, amazing friends.  Because it's there now, that friendship.  It's just hiding behind all the other stuff of life. 

I think it's cool how friendships morph over time.  Especially those deep, lasting friendships. There are times when you talk every day and tell each other everything.  There are weeks when you're both busy and exist only on a quick text checking up on each other.  It's life.  But if you trust the friendship...if you trust the know that someday there will be time for each other again.  And it will just pick up right where it left off. 

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